Previously posted on my Facebook Page.
WHY do cats knock down stuff. Experts (who are cats) say they simply want to play with the object. Cats are natural hunters who have a tendency to play with their prey. When they nudge a small object with their paw, they're performing the same behavior. As cruel as it may seem to us, they're not doing it for entertainment. Cats are weird, isn’t it? Okay, you may sweep the broken glass off the floor now. 🐈🫗🐈⬛
WHY do cats like to watch birds? It's all instinct. Whatever breed, temperament or age— all cats are born with strong hunting instincts. Cats naturally consider birds as prey, whether they want to play or are seeing the feathery friend as potential food, and their natural instincts kick in. Or maybe cats simply want to befriend birds and teach them to facebook (verb) aside from tweeting. “Less noisy,” says Fizz. 🐱🐦🐱
BEFORE a police officer can legally pull over a driver, he or she must have probable cause to do so. Maybe the vehicle has a broken taillight or the officer witnessed the driver run a red light. It could be the driver was speeding or swerving in and out of a lane. But then, if a cop recognizes you as his/her Facebook friend and just wants to say “Hi!” that’d be okay. Probably. 👮♀️🚖👮
EVEN dogs that have had hearty appetites can become picky eaters, sometimes overnight. Changes in eating habits can be temporary or permanent, caused by illness, injury, aging, or other factors. Or don’t worry too much. Maybe the cat has influenced the dog about wellness eating, and all that. 🐕🥘🐕
WHY do cats knock down stuff. Experts (who are cats) say they simply want to play with the object. Cats are natural hunters who have a tendency to play with their prey. When they nudge a small object with their paw, they're performing the same behavior. As cruel as it may seem to us, they're not doing it for entertainment. Cats are weird, isn’t it? Okay, you may sweep the broken glass off the floor now. 🐈🫗🐈⬛
CATS react to the emotion, not desire. That's why a cat comes back to continue doing the things you told them not to do. Like sew a nice winter sweater while you sleep, reconfigure the house wifi, or cook paella when you are out of the house, leaving the kitchen in a mess. 🙀😽😾
WHY are people rude these days? There can be many root causes for rudeness, such as insecurity or fear. People are often rude after being on the receiving end of rudeness. Researchers have found that “just like the common cold, common negative behaviors can spread easily and have significant consequences.” Or maybe some people are rude because they don’t have a cat or dog. Especially cat. Must be. 😤😠😓
WHY do cats disobey a lot? Cats don't have a pack mentality. In the wild, they tend to be solitary, so they're not hard-wired to obey. But domestic cats have been somewhat infantilized. Our cats remain kittens in certain respects, able to identify their humans as “mom” and “dad.” But mostly cats disobey because they can. That’s what Fizz explains to me though she’s a good girl. 😼😾😸
THE dog equivalent of singing is the howl. Dogs are so talented at joining into the sounds of song that they will raise their voices in howls. There are lots of funny videos on the internet of dogs howling along to the singing of their owners. There have even been Broadway performances based on the howling of dogs. Arrow howls, too, but she also does hiphop and rap. 🐕🧑🎤🐕
DOGS can be trained to recognize and respond to shapes and to words. It takes repetition, reinforcement, and patience. Some dogs go to school, literally, to learn to read. Arrow went to Harvard Law School for Dogs but she dropped out. She preferred to learn at home, with the help of Cyd then, and now Fizz and Ching. Cats are smart teachers. 🐕📜🐕